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Heart Tonic

Our Heart Tonic may assist in the following ailments:
Shortness of Breath
Irregular heartbeat
Angina (pains in the chest, arms, or jaw)
Water retention
Cold hands and feet
Poor circulation
Erectile problems
Recovery from heart problem.
This has been formulated by KHATIJA BHIKOO ND, HbT
Medical Herbalist
AdvDipNat, AdvDipHerbMed
Chartered Natural Medicine Practitioner

This herbal Heart Tonic is in no way prescribed to replace your Medical Doctors prescription. This Herbal Tonic is designed for your well being with your regular exercise. We also suggest that you take Co Enzyme Q10 with this Heart Tonic.

Garlic, for healthy levels of Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, and Blood Flow
Hawthorn, for strong and healthy Arteries, Heart Muscles, Heart Beats, and Heart Valves
Cayenne, for healthy Heart Function, Circulation and Cardiovascular Longevity
Bilberry, for healthy Veins, Vision, Capillary Function and Circulation
Motherwort combines perfectly with Hawthorne for easing a stressed heart rhythm
Willow Bark is natures aspirin

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

